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Avocado Avocado

Our founder, Rivka, grew up in NYC. Not best known for its wide, open, green spaces! But from an early age, she had a fascination with growing avocado seeds from her local grocery store.

One thing led to another. Rivka moved to the UK. And in 1974, she started Faith In Nature.

And here we are today. Just goes to show what even the smallest connection to nature can inspire.

In 1974, natural, cruelty-free and vegan weren't so much a bandwagon as a one man band. Or, in our case, a one woman band. Because Faith In Nature isn't just a name - it's Rivka's passion for harnessing the power of Nature, without harming it in the process. Now, it seems, Rivka's passion has caught on. Welcome to our not-so-crazy-after-all world.

The Rivka Rose connecting to nature method™